On Thursday night our team drove down to Tijuana Mexico to go and spread the gospel of the kingdom of heaven and to bring hope and love of Jesus. When we arrived we split up into groups so that we would be able to serve in multiple locations at once. We served prisons, different orphanages, churches, and refugee camps. In each location, we had the opportunity to minister to the people, pray for healing, bless them with gifts, and speak truth and identity over them. We witnessed God healing, restoring, and setting people free!
On Friday the first thing we did was divide our team into groups and assign some of us to go to the prison in Tijuana and others to orphanages. The team ministered to people in the prison and many gave their lives to Christ that day. Meanwhile, at the orphanages, we brought many games with us to give to the kids and play with them. There was play-doh, connect 4, face painting, and a soccer game was being played as well. It was an amazing opportunity to love the kids and spend time with them. It was amazing to be able to speak life over them and bless them with toys and gifts.

One beautiful moment that took place was when we all went to serve at a refugee camp. We brought hot dogs, candies, and to pray for the people there. Someone from our team released a quick word about identity and then after we made crowns out of colorful paper and placed it on their heads as a symbol of who they are, heirs of the true king! It is truly amazing to see how the little things can impact someone's life.

On Friday evening we had our first church service. It was called Ekklessia El es mi amigo, which means Ecclesia, he is my friend. We worshipped and praised God together and then one of our pastors from the team, pastor Serge, preached a word about faith. Towards the end of the service, pastor Serge turns his attention towards a man that was sitting in the back row. He tells that man “God sees you.” The man came to the front where we prayed for him. God poured out His love on him and it led him to give his life to Christ. The Kingdom rejoiced with us because a prodigal son has returned home. This man was lost and living in darkness, but God lifted him out of that and showed him who he truly is, a son of God!
Throughout the trip, God was doing something special in Mexico. We came to spread the truth of the gospel, to heal the sick, to bring sight to the blind, to be the light, and hands and feet of Jesus. When we were serving there God poured out His spirit on everyone! There was so much freedom that took place there! God was healing people not just from sickness and pain, but also healing internal wounds. People were getting set free from demonic oppression and getting filled with the Holy Spirit!

One church service that we visited had an offering at the end for a mission trip that a local church was planning. You can see how God was pouring out His spirit and baptizing them with fire. The purpose of why God did that is so that they can now go and be the light! They have been chosen and raised up to be the sons and daughters of God who bring glory to Him! God sets us free for a purpose, God heals us for a purpose, and that purpose is to take that fire and truth to other people. God is raising up Mexico for a purpose and for His glory! We want to thank you all dear friends, whoever supports us in this vision to bring restoration to His nation, your sowing has made a huge difference in Mexico.